Release date: November 3rd, 2023

Press release

Pink Mario’s latest release “Elgin Cathedral” captures the chilling power of winter

Imagine waking up in a small Scottish town in the depths of winter, only to find the place completely abandoned. You wander through the frozen streets in confusion — where is everyone? Is this all happening inside your mind, or is there something bigger at play?

Pink Mario’s new release Elgin Cathedral is an eerie dream pop ballad that captures the solemn, beautiful feeling of loneliness, and the chilling power of winter. It’s a song that lures you into its dark world, leading you through foggy streets and an empty market square to the frosted Cathedral ruins of a forgotten Scottish town.

Elgin Cathedral will feature in Pink Mario’s debut album, set for release in October 2024.

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Pink Mario Bio

Pink Mario is the moniker of Lazlo Barclay, a Berlin-based dream pop artist from London. His career launched in 2020, and since then he has released 18 songs, 2 EPs, amassed over a million digital streams and been featured in over 20 press publications around Europe.

His debut album M4 is set for release in October 2024.


“I always wanted to write a song set in the Scottish highlands, where my ancestors hail from. Elgin Cathedral is my homage to them, and an attempt to capture the mysteries of winter; as well as the solemn, yet beautiful feeling of loneliness. Props to anyone who listens for long enough to hear the bagpipes!”


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Hi-res promo images

🔗 Landscape 1 (credit: Daria Kishchuk)

🔗 Landscape 2 (credit: Daria Kishchuk)

🔗 Portrait 1 (credit: Lisa Martini)

🔗 Portrait 2 (credit: Daria Kishchuk)

© Pink Mario Music 2023